Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Casting for Barrier Island

This photo is from last Sunday afternoon. We were rehearsing for a reading of "A Song For St. Michael's", the second in a trilogy of plays about Galveston Island just before and after Hurricane Ike devastated the island a few years ago.

The woman on the right, Cristina Alicea, is the director. The man on the right, David Stallings is the playwright. The kids on the left were both in the reading. I read the stage directions. The actors did a great job. 

The company, MTWorks,  is staging the first play in the trilogy, "Barrier Island"  this spring. I am in the midst of auditions for that play. Cristina will be directing it. I feel strong in my choice for the character, and interestingly enough the woman who is up for the same role has a somewhat similar take as I do and looks somewhat similar to me. I just have to wait and see how the casting goes. I would really like to play this woman, Cheryl, but you just never know how these things go. The other woman brings some industry contacts to the plate and that counts for something.

If I don't get cast in this (I'm hoping but I never assume) then I will take a photo essay class through NYU Continuing Ed that would occur at the same time that rehearsals for Barrier Island would be heating up. Either way it's a win-win for the kid.

I love that, in my life, I get these kinds of choices and dilemmas. Life is good. 

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